office (775) 753-9243
fax (775) 753-9243

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What has NNAN done with funds raised?

A: With our fundraising we completed the following projects this past year:

Donated IPads to NNAN children with Autism

Movie Days once a month during the summer

Provided 23 Diagnostic evaluations

Assisted with funding a Social Skills Summer Class for 4 - 7 year olds

Assisted with funding a Social Skills Summer Class for teens

Provided a 6 week Wright's Law Advocacy Training for parents including books and DVD

Hosted the 5 week TASH THINK College Webinar

Hosted the Barbara Doyle Web-Conference in Elko

Provided 10 scholarships for PSY 290 to build the workforce to treat children with autism and to provide teacher training

Donated 15 Model Me DVD's to Elko County School District to assist in social skills classes for children of all ages

Hosted a Christmas Party especially for our families

Ran newspaper ads for families seeking tutors

Funded the travel costs for Autism Consultants to travel to Elko to treat children

Funded Hyperbaric treatment children

Donated Wii fitness systems and televisions to the Elko high School, Spring Creek High School & spring creek Middle School special education self contained classrooms to provide social opportunities for our kids and the typical students to interact in a common leisure activity.

Funded travel to participate in Autism Day at the Nevada Legislature

Purchased special Am-Trykes for children with gross motor delays - and donated them to EHS and SCHS - to increase recreational opportunities on campus

Donated books to ECSD to help in the development of autism curriculum

Collaborated with the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities to offer 2 disability awareness days at the Elko Convention Center

Provided childcare/respite for families to attend trainings and meetings throughout the year

Provided doctor's offices with autism related materials including the Autism Speaks kits - which are free to parents, but not doctors.


Not related to fundraising we also:

Participated in the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities representing autism and rural Nevada

Participated in the Nevada Commission on Services for People with Disabilities

Represented Elko Families at the Nevada Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders and on the Community Living Subcommittee and Education Subcommittee

Spoke at the US Administration on Developmental Disabilities Envisioning The Future Listening Session in Denver representing the needs of families affected by autism in rural Nevada

Held monthly meetings and sent out informational emails about autism related events statewide

Helped families access autism treatment and find providers and tutors.

Maintained our website